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Póngase en Contacto con Nosotros

Our work group operates mainly in Cali and Bogotá, but operations are also carried out in Neiva, Monteria, Pereira, Ibagué, Cúcuta, Bucaramanga and Cartagena, in first-class clinics with their own state-of-the-art equipment dedicated exclusively to our patients.

Dr. Eduardo Bolaños Quintero's Office
19th Street North # 2 N 29
Cali, Cauca Valley, Colombia
Tel: +57 2 6811664 | +57 2 6827771

Whatsapp: +57 315 288 7610 / +57 315 565 9167


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Podios morados

Opening hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m

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