The generic name of bariatric surgery encompasses several surgical techniques designed to reduce the patient's ability to ingest and alter the intestinal pathway to prevent the absorption of fats during the digestive process.
Within this context, two basic types of approaches are used that can be used to achieve the desired results in the patient, which are:
Restrictive Approach
This method seeks to reduce the ability to ingest food.
The following techniques fall into this category:
Combined Restriction and Malabsorption Approach
Este enfoque busca además de reducir el tamaño del estómago, alterar el recorrido intestinal, haciendo que los alimentos sean sub-digeridos evitando principalmente la absorción de grasas y calorías.

Gastric Bypass
Se la considera la operación estándar con la cual deben de ser comparadas todas las demás cirugías, siendo esta la más antigua llevando consigo más de 34 años de experiencia.
Durante los últimos años se han mejorado muchos detalles que la convierten en la más segura y efectiva para conseguir una pérdida de peso y con una excelente calidad de vida.
Biliopancreatic diversion
This type of surgery is indicated for cases of morbid obesity. It consists of a special combination that restricts food intake and other amounts of calories that the body processes.
Most fats and carbohydrates are not absorbed, allowing the patient to eat a normal and varied diet.

Duodenal Switch
Highly effective, this surgery creates two intestinal channels that join into a common channel where the contents of the two previous channels are mixed.
This technique prevents the annoying "dumping syndrome" that occurs when sugary foods quickly enter the small intestine, causing severe discomfort in the patient.